Why Clients Choose Us

  • Experience: Our staff has over 20 years experience supporting federal and DoD Government Facilities utilizing a motivated, qualified workforce for our past and current clients!
  • Quality Assurance: Quality starts with a qualified, motivated work force. We manage our workforce to the task requirements and customer’s expectations.
  • Technology: We use technology where it works. Our clients and employees love the ease of using our electronic timekeeping. CMS is a member of MyPaychex which gives company employee’s daily access to all corporate information including paystubs and other employee pertinent information.
  • Recruiting: We have a long list of recruiting resources along with effective methods of attracting, screening, and retaining only the best employees that fit your needs.

Understanding the Mission

First and foremost, we support our troops and Federal clients… only the best will do! We attract and retain the best employees by offering world class benefits commensurate with experience!

We understand the costs and effects of re-training and task interruptions caused by unhappy employees. The benefits of retaining the experience contained in the incumbent workforce is high on our list of positives when deciding who to place in a position. Our company is efficient, hands-on and our clients and employees are understood, respected, and never lost in corporate bureaucracy.


We don’t just manage both on-site and off-site employees, we also prevent personnel issues before they become a problem! Our management team exercises a thorough recruitment, screening, and background process that weeds out all but the best candidates for your work environment. Through our extensive hiring and screening process, historically we eliminate 95% of personnel issues most contractors and Government POCs face.